

Are you ambitious?
Are you driven?
Are you open-minded?

If you said
"YES" then I can help you.


I'm JT and my greatest strength is helping other men and women step into their greatness.

It is my duty to help my clients come the best version of themselves and actually achieve the goals they have set for themselves.


I know how fulfilling—and challenging—it can be to commit to growth, because I’ve walked the walk.
My background was in Kinesiology and Athletics, so as someone logical minded, it didn’t come natural for me at first to go inwards. But through my perseverance and willingness to be vulnerable and open to change, I’ve been able to make huge leaps forward in my own life.
My own starting point on this journey felt like a breaking point at the time. But it turned out to be the start of a powerful transformation. On Mother’s Day in 2016 I had to be rushed to the hospital with a suspected appendicitis, which ended up being a massive infection in my digestive system. I’d never experienced anything like that before and I was terrified for my life.
Over the next few months as I recovered in the hospital and home I started to reflect more on the direction of where my life was headed. Yes I had achieved a great deal of success by society’s standards but deep-down I knew I wasn’t living up to my full potential.

That was the beginning of a lifelong commitment to my own spiritual and personal development.
I started reading books and listening to podcasts on personal growth and self-development. I immediately fell in love with what I was learning about, my mindset started to shift which prompted me to find ways to better myself on a daily basis. I started to prioritize different actions in my life and my results started to change.  
As I continued to prioritize my daily growth I started to realize how much personal growth has started to trickle into every aspect of my life. I made the decision to walk away from a successful 15-year career as a high school teacher and coach because my heart wasn’t into anymore. I loved helping people but knew that I wanted to serve people outside of the classroom and off-the-field. I hit a low point in my first few months away from teaching and I felt lost and confused. My career was the one area of my life that always came naturally to me but I knew it was costing me my wellness and my relationship with my wife and kids.  

That’s when I discovered the teachings of Bob Proctor.

Thanks to Bob Proctor, I learned about the laws of attraction and how to create my own reality. After doing his Thinking Into Results course, I gained so much clarity on how to create and live a life of FREEDOM. I’d been raised to believe that in order to do better, you had to work harder. But I learned that when I could shift my thinking to a more positive and strategic mindset, I could actually get better results and work less.
As my awareness increased and my dreams and goals became more defined, what I wanted for myself started happening in my life. I’ve travelled extensively with my wife and kids to experience world cultures. We’ve moved from London (Ontario) to embark on a new adventure in Toronto, so we can pursue the lifestyle we always dreamed of where family and loved ones come first. We’ve redesigned our businesses, so that we can work remotely and call the shots about how our working lives are scheduled.
After making a series of amazing changes in my own life, that I’d never have dared to make before, I wanted to teach the valuable tools I’d been learning to other people. In order to do the best job possible as a coach, I decided to go to the source and be mentored by Bob, as a teacher of the Thinking Into Results program.
I use the principles of Thinking Into Results to make powerful shifts to their mindset. My passion is in guiding driven individuals with these principles towards becoming the greatest version of themselves.


13 Ideas to Effortlessly Bring Joy, Calm and Peace Into Your Life
This book has been written as a “choose your own adventure.” It includes 13 ideas that will help you understand how great you are and how to tap into your potential. Each story reflects on the insight provided and with suggestions to apply it to your life.

As you begin to take focused and inspired action, you will continually improve the results in all areas of your life.

Order your book today on Amazon:


Thinking Into Results 1-on-1 Coaching

Starts at



"Whatever the mind can concieve and believe, it can achieve"
- Napolean Hill
The best decision of my life was saying YES to “Thinking Into Results” since studying this I have attracted an abundance of opportunities.

With JT’s guidance I was able to say "YES" to the opportunities that were going to stretch my mind and get me out of my comfort zone and put me towards my goals.

I’ve attracted two job promotions in the last three months, got engaged to the love of my life, gained two streams of income, and on the merge of starting my own personal business. I can honestly say that none of this would have happened without the help of JT and “Thinking Into Results”. 

“ You can’t manage time, but you can manage your activities.”
As an entrepreneur and an individual who strives to become the best version of myself - I arrived at a point where hustling and reading books alone wasn’t enough. I reached a plateau.
I’ve hopped from one course and one coaching program to another with no results to show. At best, I would have a short period of growth before things went back to the way they were.
Thinking Into Results and JT have become my unfair advantage at achieving my next level. The changes in my life through TIR has not only increased my income but also made me a better leader, boyfriend and friend. I’ve adapted new long lasting habits and routines that resonates with the life I want.
I decided to go all in on this adventure with you because I was ready for a big change in my life and in my results. It's a great example of things happening right when you need them to.

Working with you over the last year has benefited me in many ways. It has taught me the value of starting each day the same way and keeping with a winning routine. With our weekly calls, I am always reminded to celebrate all of my wins no matter how big or small. I know I am on the path to achieving all of my goals due to your coaching and insight.

For anyone thinking about going ALL IN on this coaching journey with you, I would tell them to go for it! Give this coaching program your best effort, have an open mind and trust the process. 
©2023 JT Tsui
Website Designed by
David Wong